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Lesson 4
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How to Pick the Right Platform
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Welcome to our “How to Make Money as a Content Creator” course. In this course, you’ll learn how you can earn money online doing what you love. I’m James Caran, content creator at WayAway and Travelpayouts. It’s Lesson 3 of the course and, in this video, we’ll explain how you can choose the platform where you’ll publish your content.

Once you’ve found a niche that speaks to you, it’s time to pick a platform to use to get your content in front of people. However, with so many platforms out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Don’t worry. We’ve got your back, and today’s video is all about how to choose a platform that will be the right fit for you and your content. Let’s get started!

Today there are tons of platforms creators can work on (from YouTube and Facebook to personal blogs) and each of them has its own peculiarities and monetization options. That’s the beauty of being a content creator. Whatever you’re passionate about and good at, there’s a platform for you. But how do you choose the right one? Well, it all comes down to your skill set and passions. 

Take a moment and ask yourself: “What kind of content do I want to create?” Do you have a burning desire to write about things to the point that you can spend days huddling over a keyboard? If so, starting a blog is a fantastic option for you. There are many platforms you can use to run a blog and share your expertise with the world. You can blog on social media or use a blogging platform, such as Medium or Ghost.

However, if you want to be in full control of your blog, you can also build your own website. To learn how you can build a WordPress website from scratch in 10 simple steps, check out the resources section. 

Do you have a knack for creating videos and feel immune to camera shyness? Chances are, you can turn these traits into a full-time career on YouTube. The platform is booming today and offers a lot of earning potential for creators like you.

If making short, viral videos is more your speed, it would be a mistake to dismiss TikTok. Content creators are the heart and soul of the platform, and a lot of them earn a healthy income from their videos. So, grasp the opportunity by becoming a TikTok creator, tap into the growing popularity of the platform, and win big. Another option for connecting with your audience using short videos is YouTube Shorts. If you’re into writing short posts, taking eye-catching photos, and creating a unified aesthetic experience, Instagram may be the right choice for you. 

Let’s say you love talking and have lots of ideas to share. Launching a podcast is the way to go. People love audio content and, as a result, podcasts are gaining momentum. Launching one may be one of the best decisions you ever make.

We’ve shared some of the most popular platforms for content creators, but there are many more. Make sure you take the time to explore what other platforms you can use.

Once you’ve pinpointed some platforms that match your skills and passions, consider one more thing: your audience. Remember how we discussed that it’s important to create the right content for the right people? Well, you also need to share that content on the right platforms. So, figure out where your audience is hanging out online and use that platform to get your content in front of people. For more guidance on how to do this, check out the Resources section.

You may be wondering: Do I have to be exclusively on one platform? No, you don’t. In fact, most successful content creators spread their content across multiple platforms. Why? Because this allows them to get more eyes on their content, which helps them grow their audience and income. If you’re just starting out, it may be intimidating to run your content on several platforms. This makes sense because being everywhere can drain your focus. However, investing all your time and effort into just one platform can be a dangerous oversight, regardless of how good your content is. 

The solution? Narrow your focus to between two and four platforms. Then, put your main emphasis on one platform, but publish your content across the others as well. This will allow you to expand your reach, build authority in your niche, and connect to more like-minded people. Finally, no matter what platform(s) you choose, the key to success is creating content that will resonate with your audience and help them solve their pain points.

Let’s sum things up:

  • There are plenty of platforms to choose from
  • Pick a platform that aligns with your passions and talents 
  • Don’t invest all your time and effort into a single platform – diversify 
  • Create top-quality content and always keep your audience in mind

In the next video, we’ll talk about goal setting and how you can build a powerful action plan to work towards your goals. Stay tuned! In the meantime, think about your skills and passions and pick the platforms that will be a good fit for you. Good luck and see you soon.

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