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Lesson 8
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How to Create a Content Plan
Lesson Transcript

Welcome to How to Make Money as a Content Creator, the course that covers everything you need to start earning money online doing what you love. I’m James Caran, content creator at WayAway and Travelpayouts. In this video, we’re talking about the importance of a content plan. What it is, why you need one, and some things you may want to include in yours!

We’ve talked about a ton of ways to get awesome ideas for your content that will engage your customers. But with all that new inspiration running through your head, you need a place to write, organize, and schedule those ideas so that you can put them into action on a regular basis. 

Remember in Module 1 when we mentioned that a key to seeing growth in your business is consistency? We also talked about the importance of goal-setting in your business. Now we’re bringing all of that together with your content plan! Your content plan gives you a workspace to clarify your ideas, align your content and business goals, and put you on a clear path toward achieving those goals! 

One of my favorite content plan templates is from the platform, Trello. So, we’ve included a version of it in the resources section for you to use and customize for your needs. 

Different areas to consider adding in your content plan are: 

  • Researched keywords you want to use
  • Checklists to make sure you get everything done
  • The stages of completion, for example when something is being drafted, or when it’s published! 
  • Different content themes you want to focus on in the next 3 months and topics you’ll cover. 
  • The types and formats of content you’ll use
  • The channels where you’ll publish it
  • And of course, due dates!

Once you’ve created your content plan, you can focus on the creative parts of your work and spend more time building relationships with your audience, optimizing your existing content, and finding new opportunities to monetize your business!

Let’s do a quick recap of today’s lesson! What are the benefits of creating a content plan?

A content plan helps you:

  • Organize
  • Schedule
  • and stay consistent with your content efforts, so you can focus on growing your business!

In the next lesson, we will show you how to create top-quality content!

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