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Topics for Travel Affiliate Marketing
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Welcome to our Launching Your Affiliate Marketing Journey series, where we help you take off in the field of travel affiliate marketing. In this video, we will dive deeper into the topics outside of travel that work very well with the brands Travelpayouts has partnered with. 

Hello and welcome back! Today, we’ll discuss some of the other topics that thrive in the travel niche and with Travelpayouts’  partner brands. Let’s get started, shall we? 

When marketers think of travel affiliate marketing, they believe that their assets must be all about travel. But this is far from true! There are many different topics that fit extremely well with brands in the travel niche. For example, lifestyle bloggers. We have partnered with over 100 brands and have offers such as city passes, activities, tours, museum and concert tickets, and more.  More likely than not, you will find an offer that suits your audience’s needs. 

Sites promoting activities in a local area are another great fit.  Activities and city passes are also good for this niche, as well as recommending hotels for local events or out-of-town guests.

Do you prefer to talk about wedding or party planning? Again, guests need a recommended hotel, wedding parties are always looking for the perfect venue, and couples still love destination weddings.  You can find offers at Travelpayouts that cover all these topics. Even parent bloggers can recommend activities or tours that are great to do with kids. 

While it is easy to think that if your main topic isn’t travel, then the travel niche isn’t for you. But that is far from the case. So make sure you browse all of our brands and think outside of the box when it comes to travel affiliate marketing. 

Let’s do a quick recap. The travel niche is not only for travel bloggers. Lifestyle bloggers, local sites, wedding or party planning, and even parenting blogs can find offers that their audience will appreciate. 

If you are having trouble thinking about what offers will really work for your audience, stick around. In the next tutorial, we will discuss what categories work well for publishers who don’t directly discuss travel.

Curious about what will work for your project? Why not browse our brands and pick the ones that can work best with your topic? 

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