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Lesson 9
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Hello and welcome to Boost Travel Affiliate Revenue Using SEO

My name is Sharon Gourlay, and I’m working with Travelpayouts to bring you this super informative course on how to make more money from travel affiliates using the power of SEO.

So we’ve made it to our final lesson. And it’s all about what to do next. What you do now is you follow this course, you’ve hopefully maybe tink it in your keyword research tool, and done some other things as well. 

Now, it’s really important that you understand the affiliate marketing sweet spot, you know go back to the beginning. Listen to that again. If you don’t fully understand yet how you need to use reader intent and content and affiliate links to have success with affiliate marketing. It’s just so fundamental. So, like you can see here, you know you want that reader intent that overlaps with your content and your affiliate links. 

So you’re basically solving a problem for a reader with something that they want to purchase, or book, you know, by giving them super informative content that covers the research and comparison parts of the buying cycle, okay. So, they’re ready to purchase, and then they click on your affiliate link, and they are done. 

So, you’re gonna want to write content that hits the sweet spot. You know you’re gonna mark it with your buying keywords you can rank for. So find those great keywords, and make that great content, and of course, add affiliate links, as we talked about in the last lesson in many ways to get people clicking. But then what? So, you give it a go, you write some articles. What happens next? 

Well, first of all, I will say this is SEO. So you’ve got to expect it to take a little bit of time to start doing well in Google. I expect 6 to 12 months for new content. And then you gotta realize that it’s unlikely you’ll do everything perfect the first go. You know this is a skill like anything else you know. You didn’t do it you know, the first time you hopped on a bike you didn’t just right down the street, right. You had to learn, you had to practice, it’s exactly the same with affiliate marketing and SEO, so you probably won’t do everything perfect first go if you follow these strategies should go pretty well. 

So what you’re going to do to improve is you’re going to track everything you can to work out what’s working well versus what isn’t. What’s great is if you write quite a few articles using this strategy today, so you can really compare the ones that did well versus the ones that did not. 

And you’re gonna want to track things like page views for these individual articles, how many hits did they get. So how well did they do in SEO. The number of clicks to your affiliates, okay, the conversion rates, or how many people who clicked to the affiliate link actually converted, and you know booked something or bought something and the income you’re making.

Because if you’re looking at all of those things, you can really work out on what you need to improve on:

  • If you’re not getting many pages in the first place, then you need to improve on your SEO and get readers to your content. 
  • If you are getting lots of readers, but your number of clicks is not very high, you know, then look at how you’re putting your affiliate links on the page, okay? 
  • If you’re getting the clicks, but the conversion rates are not great, or you’re not making much money. This is where you want to think about the affiliates that you’re using, could you use a better one. 

What’s great in Travelpayouts is that they have tons of different travel affiliates, you know, so if it’s not working well with for example, try Agoda, try you know a different one. 

You can just sort of keep testing these things. You’re gonna want to keep experimenting and see what works best for you. You know, every site has a different audience that will react slightly differently. You know, like you might find that putting banner ads work well on your sites, you know, it hasn’t worked for me, doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work for you. Give it a go. 

Try widgets, try lots of different things, and just see how it works. Try lots of articles, compare the different sets and what works and what doesn’t. Really just keep trying to learn because if you can like double the revenue you get from a successful article, and then you know, roll that out across your site, it can make quite a big difference to your earnings.

And really most of all, have some fun with it. You know, I find it a bit of a game. It’s fun trying to get to that top page of Google. It’s fun trying to help your audience more, it’s fun trying to use the right affiliates.

You know, so best of luck, and I can’t wait to hear all about your success stories making money from travel affiliates.

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