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Lesson 8
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Use Travel Affiliate Widgets to Drive Sales
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Welcome to our Travelpayouts 101 series, where we help you take off in the field of travel affiliate marketing. In this video, we’ll explain what an affiliate widget is and show you how to create one hassle-free with Travelpayouts.

Looking for a tool that’s easy to implement and will make the booking process seamless for your audience? Widgets are the way to go. From this tutorial, you’ll learn what affiliate widgets are and how you can create one with Travelpayouts in just a few clicks. Without further ado, let’s get started!

Widgets are interactive tools for your website that enable users to perform searches, get information and reviews about a product, etc. In Travelpayouts, there are a lot of different widgets, including search forms, calendar widgets, map widgets, etc.

Widgets are dynamic, engaging, and tend to receive a lot of clicks. They also provide relevant information to your customers, thus making the customer journey shorter. What’s more, Travelpayouts makes it super easy to add a widget to your website and provides widgets for both desktop and mobile.

Let’s see how you can add a Travelpayouts widget to your website in just a few clicks. Just go to the Tools tab in a program and select Widgets. Choose a widget you want to display and click the Customize button. Next, hit Copy Code and add the widget code to your website. That’s it! Your first Travelpayouts widget is now live. Hard to believe, but it’s as simple as that.

You can also customize your widget so that it aligns with your content and website. To do this, play around with the widget’s settings and appearance. 

Here’s a useful tip to remember about widgets. To make life easier for your audience, go the extra mile and fill in the widget according to the context of your webpage.

Let’s do a quick recap:

  •   Widgets boost engagement and affiliate conversions.
  •   In Travelpayouts, widgets are easy to set up.
  •   You can customize widgets so that they match your website.

Need more powerful tools to boost your affiliate revenue? Watch a tutorial on how to add travel affiliate banners to your project. 

That’s it for today. Now, go ahead, create a widget, add it to your website, and earn a commission for every product booked via that widget. 


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